Monday, April 23, 2012

Home Study

Yes, the dreaded home study.  Let me put your minds at ease if this is in your future.  As the days drawn nearer the panic sets in.  We stay up late cleaning the corners of every room with a toothpick, actually it is a foster mom's equivalence of "nesting", as I felt the same.  Our home study worker arrived and to be honest it was a walk in the park.  PLEASE NOTE: Every home study worker is different.  For instance, some friends have had them ask the children questions about how they are disciplined, look in every nook and cranny etc.  However, the home studies are really about preparing you, not exactly all about scrutinizing your flaws.

We were a bit discouraged when we heard our chance for adopting from fostering was about 10%.  You really must be prepared to be willing and facilitating the child to go back with the parent if reunification is possible.  While keeping in mind, if reunification is not possible we would be first to be considered for adoption, after family.  Usually they try to check out the family option in the initial days so they you don't end up fostering for a year and a half only to find out the child is going to be adopted by an aunt.  This is a fairly new practice since in the past many cases went exactly that way.

Newborns and the issues were a main concern for us.  Most people do not consider to apply for fostering newborns since they are told (as we were) there simply not any available.   Guess what? That is a myth.  Many foster families are dual income.  They simply cannot take an infant  unless they are six weeks or older due to the fact they need them to be able to go into daycare.  Since I am home, we are willing to take the newborns.

Let's face it there are primarily a few reasons a newborn would be in foster care already. 1. Mother is incarcerated.  2.  Mother tested positive for illegal drugs while giving birth.  3. Mother has already had previous children taken into foster care.  (Note: that does not mean she automatically loses custody of this baby, but it does mean automatically there is an investigation.)  So that could be a short term care of a few days while they check out that she is fit.

Drugs. Most of issues with drugs are the baby has undoubtedly been lacking in prenatal care whether withdrawl symptoms are present in the child or not.  More likely than not they will be born prematurely so there are all of the things that come along with  premature babies as well. For instance, apnea machines, child not able to eat or sleep properly just due to weight.  The hospital will have you get some training before leaving with the child, thankfully.

I guess I am getting off topic but all in all the home study was a breeze.  Our worker comes back for a second one which is scheduled in a few days and that is mostly to go over paper work and policy.  She told us at the first study that we should have our approval in two weeks after her supervisor signs off and the next supervisor up signs off.

The following day all our references called to say they received the forms in the mail.  Make sure to choose someone who will return them right away or you will hold things up.  Once again we come back to praying for God to lead us and us to not jump ahead of Him.

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