Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Hello!  My journey of adoption started several decades ago with my own.  I was adopted in 1968.  The records are sealed so I only have non-identifying information on my biological parents.  Mom was a go-go dancer and my father, a musician who was completely not interested.  Unlike most adopted children I have never had this unquenchable need to meet my parents.  The respect I have for my mother and the sacrifice she made, her status is "superstar" in my mind. I didn't want to meet and have my image shattered.  Although as I have become a mother, my willingness to meet her has increased but only on her terms. If she had the need to meet me or correspond, I would but no intrusion into her life is necessary on my part.  My prayer is that she knows Jesus and if she doesn't hopefully I can share the gospel with her.

My husband and I have been blessed with four children, two boys and two girls.  Since I had four C-Sections the doctor convinced me to have a tubal ligation since it would be life threatening to be pregnant again due to the condition of my uterus.  There was some grieving that I went through.  The desire to have more children never left but at the same time I was content with my children.  Several years after the surgery I had regrets.  Not that I needed to have more children to be fulfilled but at not allowing God to be God and determine our family.  Don't get me wrong, I know God could still do it if He wanted but I am not comfortable with my action of trying to play God.

God first put adoption on my husband's heart then much later on mine.  Ironic, since I was the one who was adopted, you'd think I would have been first.  God just needed to get me to that point I guess. We hope you will join us on our journey of growth and faith.  God has already stretched us beyond where we were a year or two ago and we still haven't put our hands on a child yet!  I would LOVE any comments and perspectives you have.  Maybe some information on our process will help others.  We are called to take care of orphans, that just may look different to each person.

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