Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Christian Organizations?

We have noticed that not all Christian adoption agencies are not exactly what we would consider Christian.  It was interesting how many times workers referred to people who were called by God to an infant or to a certain child using "air quotes" and a sarcastic tone.  One actually said that a couple felt God lead them to adopt a certain child from Foster Care and she (the worker) knew more about the child and had to turn them down. That is bold, claiming you know more than God.  I understand they probably get all kinds of people with many different motives but it is insulting to discount what they felt God was speaking to them frivolously.

We were also asked the dreaded question about discipline.  "Who believes in spanking?"  Most in the room believed in it.  When asked "Why?" Our reasoning was it is biblical.  Our trainer didn't agree with spanking and said it does not work.  Went on further to say that 80% of prison inmates were spanked.  Hmmmm.  Let's see, I see that 85% of them come from homes where there wasn't a father present.  Much bigger impact I would think.  Taking into consideration of course that I am sure many inmates were not spanked for correction in a biblical manner but probably abused.  I would hope we would agree there is a difference.

Complying with the law that you cannot spank a foster child, I would not.  The workers have forewarned that if you think you can spank your biological or adopted children and not the foster child, you are in for a battle. She feels we are setting them up for animosity among siblings attributed by an uneven playing field.  Something to consider but believe many children are bright enough to comprehend.

We were surprised that classes were not open or closed in prayer, also not one scripture was ever quoted.  Someone we met who were going through our other agency said they had gone through them (located in another state) because the one they were using in their state were allowing same sex couples to adopt but still claimed to be Christian. 

The system is very broken.  It is not efficient, effective or always in the best interest of the child.  The workers are underpaid, overworked and probably have their hands tied in many circumstances.  This statement is primarily in regards to government workers.  This job is really for the churches, I don't believe the government does much successfully.  Caring for children is no exception.  No one is being ministered to by the government, that is the body of Christ's job.  When the government steps in most feel it alleviates the responsibility we are called to do "take care of orphans and widows." It's messy, unpredictable and unfair many times.  So all that said, how do you think the children are feeling?


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