Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Our No is Still Our No

We were approved on a Friday, but the worker who would assign us to a caseworker was on vacation for a week.  In the meantime my friend received a call that twins 9 month old were put out on a calling post message.  She called us to see if we were interested.  My husband said no because we had recently decided on only taking one child to ease into this with our existing family.  Plus we wouldn't have enough seats to accommodate in our van.  Honestly, I was disappointed he said no.  Once again, our no needs to be no going in because in the heat of the moment, your heart can deceive you.  Weeks later I found out there were actually 5 children in the sibling group and they ended up not going into care.

A couple days later we received a call regarding twin 3 yr old girls. (I thought twins were rare!) I said "no" due to our agreement of one child.  Truthfully, they later told us there was a 9 year old brother that they would separate if we would take the girls.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bonding with the Bio Mom

Although adoption is our goal, we also know none of this is about us.  If God chooses us to temporarily care for a child that will reunite with their family we have to encourage that.  We are not out to steal someone's child and can relate that as parents that none of us are without sin or struggle.  Yes our pride would probably like to demonize her, but would Jesus?  Our goal aside from caring for orphans is to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  If reaching that parent with the gospel is done because we have the honor of walking through this difficult time with them and minister to them, let God's will be done.  But how?

During our home study the worker told us that the best cases are when foster mom and birth mother can connect on some level so that they can both care for the child.  At first the birth mother will be angry.  But she told us if she can see us as real people who struggle as well and who are not judging her, she may let her guard down.  They are battle pride too, along with the other issues that got them in this situation.  The case worker said that sometimes the foster mother also builds enough of a relationship that she can foster the mother and model mothering to her.  An ongoing relationship can continue after reunification.  However, sometimes when the mom realizes she really cannot do it, there have been times when she has signed over parental rights and adoption becomes her choice.  That will not happen if that relationship was bitter and hostile.

How can we facilitate a relationship?  Maybe bringing photos of the child taken with you that she can have.  Maybe asking her questions about preferences so you can care for the child better and let her know her opinion is valued.  For instance, does she have a favorite toy or routine for bedtime?  How she likes their hair cut?  Chances are there wasn't a routine but just asking would be nice.  Also taking photos of her with the child and give her a copy.

Another way that you can reach out is to ask her if she wants to attend doctors appointments when you take them.  By her being there it could be an opportunity of how to model parenting again while you interact with the doctor.  Maybe picking her up so she can be involved with you at a school event.  Of course all this needs to be cleared with case worker.

What if reunification doesn't happen?  Well if you adopt the child you will probably find that time valuable since it may be all you ever know about the child's mother.  The time will come when they will ask.  That is also why photos will be important, you can have them for their baby book. The home study worker said many times the mothers just disappear off the radar and they never know what happens to them.  This may be the only opportunity.  It is the least you can do for your child if you are adopting.

Home Study

Yes, the dreaded home study.  Let me put your minds at ease if this is in your future.  As the days drawn nearer the panic sets in.  We stay up late cleaning the corners of every room with a toothpick, actually it is a foster mom's equivalence of "nesting", as I felt the same.  Our home study worker arrived and to be honest it was a walk in the park.  PLEASE NOTE: Every home study worker is different.  For instance, some friends have had them ask the children questions about how they are disciplined, look in every nook and cranny etc.  However, the home studies are really about preparing you, not exactly all about scrutinizing your flaws.

We were a bit discouraged when we heard our chance for adopting from fostering was about 10%.  You really must be prepared to be willing and facilitating the child to go back with the parent if reunification is possible.  While keeping in mind, if reunification is not possible we would be first to be considered for adoption, after family.  Usually they try to check out the family option in the initial days so they you don't end up fostering for a year and a half only to find out the child is going to be adopted by an aunt.  This is a fairly new practice since in the past many cases went exactly that way.

Newborns and the issues were a main concern for us.  Most people do not consider to apply for fostering newborns since they are told (as we were) there simply not any available.   Guess what? That is a myth.  Many foster families are dual income.  They simply cannot take an infant  unless they are six weeks or older due to the fact they need them to be able to go into daycare.  Since I am home, we are willing to take the newborns.

Let's face it there are primarily a few reasons a newborn would be in foster care already. 1. Mother is incarcerated.  2.  Mother tested positive for illegal drugs while giving birth.  3. Mother has already had previous children taken into foster care.  (Note: that does not mean she automatically loses custody of this baby, but it does mean automatically there is an investigation.)  So that could be a short term care of a few days while they check out that she is fit.

Drugs. Most of issues with drugs are the baby has undoubtedly been lacking in prenatal care whether withdrawl symptoms are present in the child or not.  More likely than not they will be born prematurely so there are all of the things that come along with  premature babies as well. For instance, apnea machines, child not able to eat or sleep properly just due to weight.  The hospital will have you get some training before leaving with the child, thankfully.

I guess I am getting off topic but all in all the home study was a breeze.  Our worker comes back for a second one which is scheduled in a few days and that is mostly to go over paper work and policy.  She told us at the first study that we should have our approval in two weeks after her supervisor signs off and the next supervisor up signs off.

The following day all our references called to say they received the forms in the mail.  Make sure to choose someone who will return them right away or you will hold things up.  Once again we come back to praying for God to lead us and us to not jump ahead of Him.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Big Packet Arrived!

After our foster parenting classes were completed, we filled out forms to have a police department background check.  We knew there was a large packet of forms, agreements, bios, and such to fill out.  That would be a major part of the process.  To utilize our time, we wanted to begin filling out the forms to get a jump on eating the elephant one bite at a time.  Unfortunately, after driving to the office to give them the application for the background check I asked for it, they wouldn't give it to me until the background check came back.  It would be understandable if they wouldn't process or even accept it until then but to not give out blank forms?? Okay.  Enough venting....today the BIG PACKET arrived!  Luckily I received it, since my five year old retrieved the mail which often times is strewn from here to yonder.  He is only interested in the Visa Credit Card offers from Disney so he can have a credit card with Mickey on it to play with.

When I told him what the packet was he was excited.  A step closer to another child in our home.  All of our children are enthusiastic about it.  We didn't deal with the typical sibling rivalry when a new baby was welcomed into our family.  Oh, believe me, they snibble and fuss at each other now, but not when they first arrived one by one.  The last three were scheduled C-Sections so the planning was methodical.  This will be a whirlwind.  When we get the call, likely it will be a days notice.  No ultrasound to let us know months in advance if it's a boy or girl coming.  Since we have no preference it could be either.  Possible a sibling group of two.  Well, I am nothing if not spontaneous, so it works!  Back to the mountain of paperwork.  I will fill you in on what they are asking for, in case you are all wondering.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Love is not enough?

In class we discussed how we are all there because we have big hearts, that is not a question.  However, we are told love is not enough.  Okay, I am struggling a little with it.  Doesn't love transform?  Jesus's love for us did.  Doesn't it endure? His love endures forever.  Love is patient, love is kind. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  How can love not be enough?  Maybe it's hope and faith too.  But the greatest of these is LOVE.  One thing is for sure, whatever else it takes, will not be enough if there is not love.  Not just for the child you just met but for Jesus.  With Jesus you can love them like He does, even if they may be unlovable at first. If you share the gospel with them Jesus will make up for whatever you are lacking.  I tell my children all the time, that I will fail them.  Even with the best of intentions, I will mess up.  Jesus will never fail them.  I will tell our foster or adopted children the same.  After all the let downs and broken promises they have seen it will be more refreshing for them to hope in One that never fails than a flawed parents like us.  We will try and pray to do the right thing, but in the end if they don't learn of the true love of Jesus, it doesn't matter.  Love is enough.  His love.

One Race

Our foster classes discussed trans racial adoption and how we would acclimate a child of a different race of ours. I struggled a bit with this because I firmly believe there is one race, our ancestors all came off the ark.  Yes we look different and society treats us very differently.   Our class trainer asked "how will you raise your child to embrace their race?"  I was at a loss.  I am not naive enough to not think the child would not notice they look different.  But on the other hand we had neighbors that "looked differently" and we played together daily and my kids thought they were all cousins.  So I just figured we aren't racist so it shouldn't be a problem.  But I didn't really know how to help them embrace their race.

When I was adopted, it was the practice back then to match up the children with parents that looked the closest to them.  So there was no embracing I needed to do, I guess.  No experience of my own to draw upon.  My friend has a child that has a Japanese heritage so every year on his birthday  they go out to a Japanese resturant.

The advice of my trainer was to take them around more people that look like them and also other cultures so everyone looks different.  We homeschool and I did a similar thing with my children, getting around more homeschoolers so they wouldn't feel so different.  It had a great result. Also homeschooling has given me the ability to teach history from a Hebrew prospective.  We learn history in chronological order over four years.  But I explain to my children, we are not Jewish but because of what Jesus did on the cross we were adopted into God's Family and Jesus was Jewish.  So our forefathers are the Jews.  Couldn't we just adopt them and have them embrace our heritage?  I have one blonde daughter in a sea of dark headed children.  We always point it out as her uniqueness in our family and she loves it.  Couldn't it be the same?

My children won't have a problem with a sibling of another race, but what about everyone else?  Not just the relatives, neighbors but what about the passers by every day who already make comments to me.  I kid you not, if I had a dollar for every time a stranger said to me "Wow, you got your hands full!"  or "Don't you know  how to prevent that" speaking of my many little blessings.  "Are these all yours?" Or there is always, "Why aren't they in school?" So I do foresee the comments and questions about the different looking one in the bunch.

In fact, I have heard stories of friends who have had complete strangers make snide comments about the little child in their grocery cart.  Now, I am a big girl, I can handle it. They are ignorant.  But how will my children feel when their sibling is being criticized on a daily basis, not to mention the wounded little one we are trying to heal?  I do always take the opportunities that I am encountering daily to lift up my children and say "yes, they are all mine and isn't it great?" or "I am blessed!"  Maybe with the new opportunities if we have a trans racial adoption I will use them to educate people.  Need to think about that.

Martian Child and The Christmas Bunny

We watched "The Martian Child" with John Cusack.  We were told that it accurately portrays the system no only did we thoroughly enjoyed the movie,  we needed it.  After our classes we never had one positive comment or success case explained to us.  We only heard negative sides to the whole situation.  Believe me, I understand they want us with our eyes wide open but we always left wondering "why would anyone want to do this from the way they explain it?"  The movie gave us a success story whether fictional or not.  Another movie I would recommend is "The Christmas Bunny" both are family friendly movies however, the Christmas Bunny has a scene I forward passed in the beginning with what kind of mom the little girl has.  It is a short scene but still I didn't like my kids to see it.

One topic it brought to mind is, while it may be uncomfortable for me to meet the birth mom, I think it will be far worse if there is a visitation planned and she doesn't show.  This is very common and I wonder how I will handle that when the child is devastated that mom didn't show up.  Or when mom doesn't do what it takes to get them back.  How do you show grace?  That will take some prayer.

Another point both movies touched on was when the children come into your home never get rid of their stuff, or make negative comments since it's really all they own and it's a connection to their parents.  It doesn't matter what condition its in.

Even if you are not considering fostering or adoption these are two movies worth seeing. That's my two cents!

No must be NO

We are onto the part of what type of child would we accept. The list of circumstances is long and prayer provoking. Different race?  Disabilities? Mental illness? Sexually Abused? Product of rape or incest? Part of a sibling group? Exposed to drugs or alcohol?  Everything unknown? All of it takes faith, even birthing your own healthy child from your womb.

They say that 80% of children in foster care have been sexually abused.  Many times it is not even known until they are in a family where they build enough trust to discuss it or traumatic memories resurface.  There are many types of abuse of this type from exposure to inappropriate material to the unthinkable.

The advice I think that will serve us well regardless of what we can accept and what we cannot is, LET OUR NO BE OUR NO.  In other words, if we say we can take a single child ages 5-9 do not buckle when they call with twin newborns.  Or if you want a child under 3 do not cave in when they call and say we have a new baby but it comes with an 8 year old.  If you are not able to be comfortable with medically fragile children no matter how rosy the picture is painted about the prognosis do not be swayed.

That is not to say any of these situations are bad but whatever you feel God is leading you to stick with it and do not take on something He is not calling you to.  We went through several scenarios in class and I already saw myself letting my heart get away from me. The bible says our heart is deceitful.  Stick with God's plan.  Case workers have a heart too, and they live with the idea of all these kids that are not placed with a family.  They also know how terrific some of the kids are.  Unfortunately, it's easy for them to become persuasive at convincing you that you can handle a situation that God isn't calling you to.  Not to paint them in an unethical light, I am sure I would sell you on a child or sibling group too!  Remember "No Must Be No"!

Christian Organizations?

We have noticed that not all Christian adoption agencies are not exactly what we would consider Christian.  It was interesting how many times workers referred to people who were called by God to an infant or to a certain child using "air quotes" and a sarcastic tone.  One actually said that a couple felt God lead them to adopt a certain child from Foster Care and she (the worker) knew more about the child and had to turn them down. That is bold, claiming you know more than God.  I understand they probably get all kinds of people with many different motives but it is insulting to discount what they felt God was speaking to them frivolously.

We were also asked the dreaded question about discipline.  "Who believes in spanking?"  Most in the room believed in it.  When asked "Why?" Our reasoning was it is biblical.  Our trainer didn't agree with spanking and said it does not work.  Went on further to say that 80% of prison inmates were spanked.  Hmmmm.  Let's see, I see that 85% of them come from homes where there wasn't a father present.  Much bigger impact I would think.  Taking into consideration of course that I am sure many inmates were not spanked for correction in a biblical manner but probably abused.  I would hope we would agree there is a difference.

Complying with the law that you cannot spank a foster child, I would not.  The workers have forewarned that if you think you can spank your biological or adopted children and not the foster child, you are in for a battle. She feels we are setting them up for animosity among siblings attributed by an uneven playing field.  Something to consider but believe many children are bright enough to comprehend.

We were surprised that classes were not open or closed in prayer, also not one scripture was ever quoted.  Someone we met who were going through our other agency said they had gone through them (located in another state) because the one they were using in their state were allowing same sex couples to adopt but still claimed to be Christian. 

The system is very broken.  It is not efficient, effective or always in the best interest of the child.  The workers are underpaid, overworked and probably have their hands tied in many circumstances.  This statement is primarily in regards to government workers.  This job is really for the churches, I don't believe the government does much successfully.  Caring for children is no exception.  No one is being ministered to by the government, that is the body of Christ's job.  When the government steps in most feel it alleviates the responsibility we are called to do "take care of orphans and widows." It's messy, unpredictable and unfair many times.  So all that said, how do you think the children are feeling?


Foster Care Classes and Open Adoption

Classes meet every week for three hours.  Some of our sweet friends helped us out by watching our children while we attended.  Another way others can help orphans* babysit for the children of the foster parents who are attending classes!  That was a huge blessing for us.  Not to mention my kids loved having a fun night with their kids!  

We were in class with a couple single women, and a few couples.  Some were going through adoption some fostering.  One was attending to adopt a family member.  I was not aware that if a child is taken from the home in order for a family member (grandparents, aunts, etc) they have to go through the same process.  They also have to pass all the same background checks and home study.  So one widow was there to get qualified to adopt a niece out of state.

We talked about some very sensitive and controversial subjects. When we began discussing open adoption and visits with biological family during fostering we hit on some fears.  Many felt the way I did at the beginning of our adoption journey.  "I could never do open adoption!"  Once again I was taught, never say never.  In reality God brought me to a place where I finally said, "This is and never has been about me!" This isn't even about the child!  Gasp!  This is about Jesus.  Each child that comes into our home will be shared the Gospel, and if that child wants a relationship with their mother that would enable them to share the Gospel with her, isn't that more important?  It may even be an opportunity for us to minister to that family.  But my comfort should never be the issue.  This has always been about Him.  I do not feel that I need to "complete" my family. If so, that would mean God is not sufficient.  He is.  It also sets that child you are waiting for to become an idol.  Heartache would sure ensue if that is the case.

We were told that with private adoption you are cut yourself out of consideration in about 80% of cases if you are not willing to do open adoption.  Now, open adoption could mean you send photos and updates for the first 5 years.  There would likely be a third party that would be the go-between.  This also helps the biological parents solidify that they made the right decision and not wonder forever.  Or it could mean you build a relationship with the family in some way.

In fostering, the child must do family visits if the judge dictates that as part of the plan.  That does not mean that you have to have them over to your house. There could be a visitation center for you to meet and drop off. I know it sounds uncomfortable, maybe it will be, but what did Jesus go through for our adoption into God's family?

Foster Care Orientation

We went to orientation with open hearts but still just preparing to do respite care (babysitting for foster parents to give them a break.)  Thought we would proceed slowly.  However, at some point we were discussing possibilities.

We were told if you are looking to adopt this is not the way to go because the mission of DFCS is to reunite families.  Having said that, if parental rights are terminated these children will need to be adopted and the foster parents get first shot.  They also have a foster-to-adopt program which you would be called when rights have been terminated so there isn't the uncertainty.  The problem we saw from our perspective, was most foster parents adopt them and also, that is who the child has been bonding with all this time instead of the me.  Was it worth the risk of a broken heart?  We are still wondering that. We also have our four children to think about too.  They are very excited and hopeful of expanding our family.  They would get attached too. Could we bear to say good-bye? Could they?  Could the child?  Is it too much heartache?  These concerns do not go away.  How do they do it?  Foster parents, that are successful but have to say good bye.

It's like having children though, what if I wouldn't have conceived being afraid of what if I miscarry?what if there are complications? What if tragedy strikes after they are born?  SIDS? Disabilties? Childhood cancers? Accidents?......you see how we can drive ourselves crazy?!!! So if I would have avoided the possibility of pain I would have missed all the joy I get daily from my beautiful, blessings.

F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) not that it is not a real possibility but it is not evidence yet.  I also know that God is not the author of fear, Satan is.  The bible mentions us not being afraid, or fearful 365 times.  Maybe that is once for each day of the year!  I like that, because that is about how often I need it. Satan wants us to skip the blessing.  God also didn't promise us a pain free life just that He would be there with us through it.  Can I trust God with my heart?  He's never failed me.  My life hasn't been pain free, no one's is.  But when I have relied on Him to get me through He has always brought me to the other side of the pain.

We found out that our schedules conflicted with the county's classes we were required to take.  They referred us to a different Christian organization to take the classes.  I mean, different than the adoption agency we were using originally.  So the next step is six weeks of classes which are sure to be eye opening.


We decided to go through a Christian agency at first.  There were two issues, one the cost (is it me or is that always were the crisis of faith comes in?).  The second was my age.  I will be 44 this fall and at 45 if we are not chosen by a birth mother our file is deleted.  That is a lot of legwork, costs etc to be deleted.

Some dear friends are going through a custody battle with their foster son who they have had since birth in jail. It's been over a year and the parents were released on a loophole.  My heart has ached praying for the decision to come down from the judge.  Judges are nothing if not unpredictable.  At that point I said "I could never foster."  Yep, you know where this is going, don't you?

At first we thought, we could do respite (basically, babysitting to give foster parents a break, since they cannot use just any childcare for a foster child.)  There are also needs for people to drive kids to appointments for the foster parents and other duties.  Since the process is the same to foster and to do respite we thought this will be a great way to get our home study done and other costly things while we help out people who foster.  So the process began.

In the meantime, a different family we are close friends with were interested in adopting a little girl who had been fostered by friends of theirs for 15 months.  So they were starting the process as well.  They have six children and took some stretching to think about starting over with a toddler since their youngest was 8. As they were wrapping their brain and heart around the idea of this sweet girl a phone call comes.  She asked me if I was sitting down when she told me.  "No one in the system was aware that the birthmom was pregnant and she just gave birth to the little girl's brother, there was a newborn at the hospital!" So there addition of one jumped to two.


Hello!  My journey of adoption started several decades ago with my own.  I was adopted in 1968.  The records are sealed so I only have non-identifying information on my biological parents.  Mom was a go-go dancer and my father, a musician who was completely not interested.  Unlike most adopted children I have never had this unquenchable need to meet my parents.  The respect I have for my mother and the sacrifice she made, her status is "superstar" in my mind. I didn't want to meet and have my image shattered.  Although as I have become a mother, my willingness to meet her has increased but only on her terms. If she had the need to meet me or correspond, I would but no intrusion into her life is necessary on my part.  My prayer is that she knows Jesus and if she doesn't hopefully I can share the gospel with her.

My husband and I have been blessed with four children, two boys and two girls.  Since I had four C-Sections the doctor convinced me to have a tubal ligation since it would be life threatening to be pregnant again due to the condition of my uterus.  There was some grieving that I went through.  The desire to have more children never left but at the same time I was content with my children.  Several years after the surgery I had regrets.  Not that I needed to have more children to be fulfilled but at not allowing God to be God and determine our family.  Don't get me wrong, I know God could still do it if He wanted but I am not comfortable with my action of trying to play God.

God first put adoption on my husband's heart then much later on mine.  Ironic, since I was the one who was adopted, you'd think I would have been first.  God just needed to get me to that point I guess. We hope you will join us on our journey of growth and faith.  God has already stretched us beyond where we were a year or two ago and we still haven't put our hands on a child yet!  I would LOVE any comments and perspectives you have.  Maybe some information on our process will help others.  We are called to take care of orphans, that just may look different to each person.